About Me


About Me

Not only contesting and DX’ing but ham radio for more than 40 years!

A short Bio

Gerd, DF5SI, was born in Germany in 1965. From the earliest days, I fascinated by everything that was moving and making noise. Around the age of four, the first wireless transmission experiment successful accomplished by keying an electric torch from window to window together with my friend.

Despite followed failed experiments in chemistry, physics and mechanics, I decided as a conclusion of all the setbacks to join the local radio club in 1980 for deeper investigations in wireless communication and related stuff.

My father holds the call sign DM3FF (now sk) since when I was born. Indeed I got my first touch with short waves from my earliest days. Magic words such as QSL, QSO or VFO and DX accompanied me through my whole childhood.

In 1980 I got my first own military surplus double-superheterodyne single-band receiver. The receiver was equipped with tubes and tuneable on 80 metres only. Completed by a W3DZZ trap dipole antenna, I have been watching what’s up on the short waves. It was always a great feeling to hear the big guns on the 80 Meter band early in the morning before sunrise. I didn’t know at this time that this was greyline DX. My second receiver was a homemade transistorized double-superhet receiver but now for the 40 Meter band.

Anyway, in March 1985, I passed the examination by the official communication authority, successfully and I got my first call sign, Y34SF.

I’m a member of DARC, the German Amateur Radio Club, in chapter S28. I’m a member of the German DX Foundation as well. My main interests are DXing and some Contesting on HF and VHF. SWLing is a favourite for me. Where I still need ten countries for the full house. 

Because of my stays abroad, radio operation from Germany is currently only possible for me limited.

In 1985 I started to study for a degree in automation systems engineering for the process industry. Today I’m working in the power generating business as a consulting engineer. Until now, I have worked, lived and enjoyed in more than 10 countries around the world. I have visited more than 80 countries in the world. Currently, I am living at my homestead near Bautzen in Germany.

Oh yeah, here is one more thing. I’m an enthusiastic photographer. Photography is one passion more I have. If you are interested in photography, then have a look at Gerd Hoffmann – Photography.